QA is an essential part of any project, and with the help of automated testing using code, you can take it to the highest level.

What are the benefits of Automated Testing Using Code and how it helps Quality Assurance Teams

Introduction: What is Automated Testing Using Code

Automated testing using code is used by QA teams to check complex tasks and processes and verify that they are being carried out according to the requirements written in their respective specifications. It involves simulating the defined processes by using a different platform, scripts, programming languages, etc., and specifically used for repetitive tasks and regression. Alternatives to using code are typically involved using visual tools and drag-and-drop interfaces, but those are often used for simpler tasks and processes.

Automated testing using code increases the efficiency, consistency, and flexibility of QA teams.

Automated Testing

Understanding the Technical Aspects of Automated Testing Using Code

By simulating the process under test using a different platform, scripts, programming languages, and similar we practically take the advantage of a powerful tool to verify the accuracy and completeness of the process under different conditions repeatedly, with a single click of a button. This is an essential aspect of optimization for any project and specifically QA.

Example of Automated Testing using Code for ETL processes

Some of the main benefits of automated testing are saving time, and resources, increasing coverage and facilitating accurate repetitive actions while reducing human errors. For example, in ETL (extract, transform, and load) processes, automated tests can be used to check if data is transferred correctly from one or several sources to the target destination data store, check for missing data, and to ensure proper work of the ETL pipeline including data integrity.
This can be done by using SQL commands, functions, and procedures with the relevant conditions such as HAVING, GROUP BY, WHERE, JOIN, CASE statements, etc.

A process can work like the following:

1. Building a TARGET QA: Execute retrieval with the desired transformation and logic according to the final characterization.
2. Building a TARGET DEV: Extraction of all the processed data from the target data store.
3. Writing MINUS between the above two withdrawals
The desired outcome should be NULL – if the 2 retrieval results with the same outcome it would be NULL after the MINUS between the fetches.

It is necessary to run two retrievals to confirm the completeness of the tests:

  • TARGET QA MINUS TARGET DEV: This fetch checks if all the data in TARGET QA is also present in the TARGET DEV table.
  • TARGET DEV MINUS TARGET QA: This retrieval checks if all the data found in TARGET DEV – are also in TARGET QA. There might be cases in which a simple retrieval may not satisfy the complete need.

Code-based automation is more flexible as indicated above and should be used for more complex tasks and processes, as well as for testing performance and scalability, but it requires programming knowledge.

A function can be used when there is a need to reuse the same test logic, (multiple commands) multiple times. It basically encapsulates the test logic and facilitates using it (per need) multiple times. Similarly, a procedure can be used when it is necessary to execute a specific set of tasks in a specific order of multiple commands multiple times. It basically encapsulates the series of steps and facilitates clear control on the execution of the overall flow.

Testing complex logic that cannot possibly be done with a simple retrieval in Automated Testing using code, requires time and knowledge, and better be done during development cycle. It is a long-term investment that upon completion can also be RE-used by DEV teams and with any future version or patch for effective testing and fast release, with a single push of a button, while saving significant time and resources. It is important to note that with today’s advancement in AI-based tools, learning and mastering coding skills can be expedited.

Get Started with Automated Testing Using Code to Streamline Your Quality Assurance Process

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